Effective August 20, 2012 maintenance parking spaces (designated by green posts) are reserved for Facility Operations service trucks. Sedans may not use these spaces except in the following areas:
- The University Hospital loading dock.
- Spaces adjacent to Motor Pool, University Police and the Turpin University Services Building.
- Loading docks with the approval of the dock manager.
Other exceptions may be adopted for sedans engaged in organ transplants, nuclear waste, or other similar circumstances.
Sedans may park in “U” and “E” lots as needed and temporarily in “A” lots (in order to load and unload supplies.) Departmental sedans should not displace faculty parking places in “A” lots.
University vehicles with exempt license plates may park in pay lots and parking meters under the following restrictions: Pay lot parking is limited to 1 hour; and parking at meters is limited to the type of the specific meter: (36 minute, 1 hour or 2 hour meter.) University vehicles may not park in red loading zone meters.