Friday, December 14, 2012

FM Scholarship Spring 2013

Facility Operations would like to extend our congratulations to Jason Graf as the recipient of the Spring 2013 Facilities Management Scholarship

Jason Graf currently works in Public Safety and we wish him well as he continues his education in architecture. If you have any questions about the Facilities Scholarship please contact one of the committee members which are:

Craig Bohn > 1-5609

Lynn Rohland > 5-1162

Rochelle Randazzo > 1-5743

Angie Meeks > 5-6855

Monday, December 10, 2012

2012 Facility & Construction Operations Service Awards

This week we held our annual service awards luncheon recognizing employees for their longevity and years of dedicated service.

5 Year Award Recipients
First Row: Clint Andrews, Johnny Dawson, Richard Beck
Second Row: Tara Hawkins, Robin Genaro
Third Row: Jason Luckenbach, Jacob Thoma, Darren Bennett, Vince Foster
Fourth Row: Chris Edgar, Adam Shockley, Bob Wilson, Danny Elder
Back Row: Jeff Mauger, Brendon Norris, Chris Sudweeks, Josh Singleton

Not Pictured: Jesse Enser, Timothy Graham, Dennis Nay, John Ogden

10 Year Award Recipients
Parviz Gharagozloo and Matthew Bingle

Not Pictured: Todd Boswell

15 Year Award Recipients
Matthew Fischer and Rob Johnson

Not Pictured: John Royse

20 Year Award Recipients
Todd Stoneking, Ron Phelps, Brian Roberts and Michael Foote

25 Year Award Recipients
Joseph Harman and David Baker

30 Year Award Recipient
Scott Noel

35 Year Award Recipients
Gary Varley and Clifford Ringle

Not Pictured: Dayne Goodwin

40 Year Award Recipient
Craig Bohn

Congratulations to all our award recipients.  Your dedication and loyalty is very appreciated.